Facts About Afleet Alex
Afleet Alex is a colt and is the son of Northern Afleet out of the Hawkster mare Maggy Hawk.
Afleet Alex retired with 8 wins in 12 starts, with earnings of $2,765,800.
If not for a third-place finish in the Kentucky Derby, Afleet Alex would have been racing's 12th Triple Crown winner.
At an early age, his mother was unable to produce milk for him. She was therefore unable to give him one of the most important things a mare can give its foal, Colostrum. Colostrum is a pre-milk fluid rich in anti-bodies that provides essential protection against disease outside the womb. Without it, Afleet Alex had only a 10% chance of living. He did his mother proud by not just surviving but thriving.
Chuck Zacney ( managing partner of Philadelphia-based ownership group Cash is King Stable) took notice of a young girl in Philadelphia named Alex who had opened a lemonade stand to raise money for cancer research as she was suffering from the disease herself. It just made sense to Chuck to pledge $5,000 to the little girls' fund. Sadly the little girl died of cancer this past August. Chuck is committed to continue his support for juvenile cancer research, and so Alex will continue to run for the cause.
Afleet Alex's ownership was determined by a coin toss between the breeder, John Silvertrand and stable owner, Chuck Zackney.